How to tell if you or a loved one is depressed in 10 ways

  1. Feeling helpless or hopeless a negative outlook thinking that things will only get worst and no matter what you do your situation will never change.
  2. Concentration problems Not able to focus or give one thing your attention, wandering thoughts.
  3. Loss or lack of interest Having no interest in things that were enjoyable to you at one time. Hobbies, Sex, basically anything that use to bring you enjoyment.
  4. Changes in appetite Loss in appetite (not eating), gain in appetite (overeating) excessive weight loss/gain, more then a few pounds a month.
  5. Changes in Sleep patterns having trouble sleeping, waking up unexpectedly feeling tired all day from lack of sleep.
  6. Feeling overly excited/tired during the day feeling very hyper or completely drained.
  7. Lack of energy even the smallest task becomes a job, your body may hurt and your muscles almost like flu like symptoms you may just feel extremely drained and not know why.
  8. Self hatred hating everything physically about yourself, not wanting to shower loss of total interest in appearance, negative, critical about yourself and people in general.

Depression symptoms may differ for men below are 2 additional symptoms…

  1. Anger, aggression, reckless behavior, alcohol/drugs.
  2. Over excessive work or hobbies, putting in to many hours obsessing on that one particular thing.

If you’re considering suicide, Please do not hesitate to call this number immediately 1-800-273-TALK now!

If you feel you may be depressed please seek professional help immediately.


The depression information provided is for educational and informational purposes only. This information should not replace proper evaluation and diagnosis of depression by a mental health professional. Before taking any action, please consult with a mental health professional.

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