Does Dirty Hair Grow Faster and Longer than Clean Hair?


Dirty hair doesn’t grow faster than clean hair. Natural oils in the hair helps hair grow faster naturally. Washing your hair too often can damage these natural oil molecules and stop hair from growing faster. If you are washing your hair too often or using extreme hot or cold water, using blow dryers too often or hot metal hair straighteners all these factors can stop hair from growing faster and longer. So when we say dirty hair grows faster than clean hair, we can’t really say that it’s because your hair is dirty or clean, it’s more because of all the other factors we mentioned earlier.

All these factors we mentioned about washing hair, will stop the hair from growing faster. Dirty hair or clean hair doesn’t make too much of a difference for the hair growth. On the other hand washing your hair too often will stop your hair from growing faster. Also dirty hair will increase the oil level and your hair will look unhealthy and damaged. Dirty hair or clean hair has the same hair growth speed which is half inch per month which makes six inch per year.

Your hair will not have a faster hair growth rate when it’s dirty. Using right hair care products will save you from washing your hair too often and damaging your hair. Right hair care products will clean your hair when it’s dirty than cheap hair care products, therefore you will wash your hair less than you need to and help your hair grow faster and longer in a very short time.
Source: Hair grow faster
