10 ways to plan and personalize your wedding


  1. Decide on your theme, what is it that you like? What would personalize your wedding and make it unique to suit you? After all it is your day.
  2. Hire a clergy man. They usually charge between $200 to $300 you can search the internet for one or if you belong to a church/mosque, or if your not religious look for a non-denominational minister in your area. Pick the one who you feel the most comfortable with and set a date and time have him marry you at the place where you are planning to have your reception. This will make your day so much easier, no traveling, rush everything is in one place.
  3. Design your own invitations, many craft shops sell very nice invitation kits besides think of the money you will save. www.michaels.com
  4. Choose a place to have your wedding, make it small but roomy enough for about 25 to 30 close friends and family. Your house, a friends home make it personal you won’t regret it.
  5. Plan your menu, finger foods/ appetizers are great for this kind of wedding www.recipezaar.com
  6. Pick your music, suggestions dinner music is great for a quaint wedding of this type. Have a buffet of appetizers and make it a get together where you can mingle and eat and have a few drinks and enjoy your guests.
  7. Purchase your dress/your suit, after you have an idea of your theme you can decide on the perfect outfit. Make your outfit comfortable, one that you may even wear again. Get some ideas and then go shopping www.davidsbridal.com
  8. Decide if you are having fresh flowers, if so order them. Go to your local flower shop and place the order. Some flower shops also see rose pedals for a reasonable price, rose pedals make wonderful decorations.
  9. Plan a night wedding a night wedding can be very romantic, get some candles and have a night time candle lit wedding. www.favorideas.com
  10. Purchase enough disposable cameras to place around for the guest, let the guest be the photographers you may be surprised at the nice pictures that you get. www.ecamerafilms.com

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