Okay, so a few months ago, my sister cut my lovely long hair(just above rear) into an uneven choppy under-the-shoulders style, while i was asleep(see previous questions for details). So i had to have my hair cut to my shoulders. I liked my long hair! It was the perfect length, and took me practically my whole life to grow(I am 13 and started growing it when i was 5)! I hate my short hair and have been hiding it ever since that one fateful day(or shall i say, night?) when my annoying little sister cut my hair off! I always wear it in a bun, so no one can see how ugly and short it is! And don’t tell me to make the best of it, because it is really ugly on me… So what are some alternatives to the bun? And pleeeaseee how can i make my hair grow faster???
Thanks in advance!!
xoxo Lisa